For anyone reading this, I know too many months of wedding planning drains out your energy to stay within your budget. Our life during lockdown has nevertheless changed our lifestyles…
What is Du'a? Du'a is a simple yet very less understood word by a Muslim in Islam. Du'a is beyond some human explanation. But to put it in simple words,…
The Mahr for women in Islam is given a very important status as it is the financial guarantee that the husband offers to his wife at the time of Nikah.…
Islam recommends the Muslim husbands that it comes under their duty to give their wives their Mahr. Mahr is not just some amount or anything paid in cash but it…
Talking about the importance and Islamic regulations about Mahr in Islam, there is one more condition on which we would like our readers to pay heed to. What is an…
Islam does not set up any fixed upper limit on the amount of Mahr. However, this does not means that the bride or her wali can demand any unreasonable big…
As this week, we discuss the rulings and Islamic principles related to Mahr, today our focus is to understand the different kinds of Mahr. Usually, Muslims in our society understand…
Mahr has been commanded as an obligatory gift by Allah. Considering its importance, we also need to understand the rights over Mahr . Who has the right over Mahr? The…
In Islamic marriage contract called Nikah, we have been discussing various rulings in the light of knowledge that Allah has showed to his servants. Starting from courting principles, the Hadith…
The earlier blogs this week have been discussing the importance of Wali for a Nikah. It is the obligation on the Wali that he presents the daughter, by blood or…
While discussing the importance of wali in the Nikah of a Muslim woman, we have covered certain aspects like if the woman is allowed to appoint her own wali or…
The central locus of our blog articles this week is the role of Wali in the Nikah of woman. Wali, being the guardian of Muslim women takes the responsibility of…