Nikah Forever - #DowryFreeIndia

#DowryFreeIndia - Share your story

#DowryFreeIndia - Share your story

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“We want all the money in cash?

“Which car is being given to me? It should not be below 40 lakhs!”

These are some of the common phrases we hear in Indian families when it comes to marriages, with the most important question for a girl’s parents. Dowry.

Everyday thousands of marriages take place, and in these marriages transactions of crores of rupees take place in the name of dowry. This might include a car, a “gift” for the couple by the side of bride. But if it is a gift, shouldn’t it be given by both the parents of bride and groom?

Sit back and think upon the social evil that Nikah Forever wants to throw light upon: Dowry, one of the most common issue of violence and abuse in household in India. Dowry is also the leading cause of deaths of women in India.
Are you surprised already?

Let’s think are marriages a place of “give and take” or are they a celebration of the pious and between two souls. Every year we have heard of stories of women getting abused by their in-laws, and husbands. The violence can be physical, mental or both. Many marriages are broken off because of the “non-fulfilment” of requirements.
A father spends almost half of his lifetime wealth, just to get his daughter married off. Why? Moreover, 20% of loan applications are received for fulfilling the marriage expenditures by Indians.

The practice of dowry or “gift” is so deep-rote in our society and lives, that it doesn’t occur to us, how wrong and evil this practice is, the consequences it has and the affect it creates. But till when? Someone has to dare to be the torchbearer for taking a step further in removing these practices that ruin people’s lives, households and what not.

A marriage is a bond between two souls, then why only one person’s family has to bear the strain? The argument then comes, that the groom has to take care of the girl for the rest of lives. Working woman or not, a marriage can only works with the contribution of both the partners. One cannot put a price on the sacrifices, and work it takes for running a house, taking care of kids and the husband.

We, at Nikah Forever, have taken the pledge to say no to dowry and move towards an India which is dowry-free. Where no woman is abused, no father has to worry all his life for his daughter’s marriage and no marriage or home is broken because of dowry. Afterall, you cannot pay someone to marry you. Isn’t this is what dowry is?

Why should we aim for a DowryfreeIndia?

Dowry is a social evil that has been going on in our society from a long time. Dowry has broken innumerable marriages, pushed people into depression and anxiety. And the most important, Acc. To official reports, ‘Every hour a woman dies in India due to dowry related case.” Yes, these are the numbers.
Are you with us?


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