NikahForever Blog

The Fiqh of Nikah- Part 2

Continuing from our series of the previous articles, today our article will move forward to the next part of the Fiqh of Nikah. In Part 1, we discussed a brief introduction of Nikah and how it has deeper wisdom behind its creation. This article will take a step further for the discussion regarding the Ruling of Nikah.

The Rulings related to Nikah.

Generally, we are under the assumption that Nikah is recommended for every Mulsim brother and sister. However, when asked to reflect, we are not clear about the ruling and recommendations of Nikah. Let us bring this clearer to you.

The rulings for Nikah differ in different situations depending upon the individual. Individuals in different situations reflect varied rulings for Nikah.

As we go in further details of the Fiqh of Nikah, what according to you should we discuss in Part 3 of this article series? We would love to write as per your suggestions.