NikahForever Blog

Islamic perspective on Matrimonial sexuality

Allah created human beings with certain desires and one of them i sexual desires towards the opposite sex. Within the boundaries of Islam and as per the understanding of Qur’an and Hadith, sexual relationships are deemed Halal only between a husband and a wife. Keeping this in mind, we cannot ignore the fact that the happiness of any Nikah depends upon the health and prosperity of sexual relations between the spouses. A lot of Muslims tends to take sexual relations as just the means of creating families. Although, child bearing is one of the important function of maintaining sexual relations in Nikah, but this is not the only prominent factor.

What we mean here is that sexual relations affect the overall well-being of a marriage. Sexual relations develop through mutual satisfaction and builds compassion and closeness between the two partners which is extremely important.

“Permitted to you on the night of the Fasts is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and you are their garments.” [2:187]

“Muslims are advised to avoid sexual intercourse during menses so as not to cause discomfort to the women.” [2:222]

“The goal of the marriage is to create tenderness between two individuals and satisfy the very basic human need for companionship. And among His signs is this that he created for you mates among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between you, in this are signs of those who think.” [30:21]

Given numerous Hadith in Qur’an, we also know that the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) himself was a very loving companion. He was very sensitive and also demonstrated his love for his spouses verbally as well as physically. This is the reason that there are many Hadith that you will find where the importance of foreplay and use of loving terms has been highlighted. If we go deep into this, we realize that if the partners are dissatisfied with the sexual relations between each other, then in worse cases it might also lead to divorce. Dissatisfaction in sexual relations forms a legitimate ground for separation.